A dollar here, a few cents there … these tiny tweaks in product price can make a monumental difference when it comes to revenue and Buy Box wins. And when you want to compete on price without sacrificing profits, there’s one surefire way to go:

Automated repricing.

Automating your pricing strategy is by far one of THE best methods for reaching aggressive revenue goals in the current e-commerce landscape. On Amazon, that means making the most of Rithum’s repricing technology.

Our product team has been working diligently behind the scenes to make the Rithum Amazon repricer faster, stronger and more comprehensive than ever.

In this Commerce Cast episode, Product Manager Alison Held takes you on a quick tour of the newest and most mind-blowing functionalities of Rithum’s Amazon Repricer. Listen now to learn about new opportunities to:

  • Get your optimal prices published 3x faster
  • Easily monitor mission-critical data daily with the Amazon Price Console
  • Automate profitable programs, like Amazon Fee Discounts, to further increase revenue

In just eight minutes, you’ll get a strong understanding of which Amazon repricer features and functionalities your business needs to start using today.


Looking for more secrets to e-commerce success? Check out the archive of commerce casts here! Each episode features actionable tips on the latest industry disruptions and opportunities in 15 minutes or less. It’s one of the quickest, easiest ways to stay ahead in an ever-changing industry.

And don’t forget to subscribe to Rithum’s Commerce Cast for future insights.